송설52회 백광구동문
국내 최초 PgMP(Program Management Professional) 자격으로
세계3대 인명사전 - ABI에 등재
2007년 국내최초로 PgMP(Program Management Professional)라는 자격증을 땄던 송설52회 백광구동문이
이번엔 그 자격증과 관련하여 Who's who, IBC와 더불어 세계3대 인명사전 중의 하나인 ABI(Americal Biological Institiute)의 "The Great Minds of the 21st Century" 2008/2009년 판에 이름이 등재되었다.
등재되었음을 증명하는 패
참고로 PgMP는 전세계에 240여명 있으며, 국내에는 여전히 백광구동문 뿐이다.
그것과 관련하여 중앙일보 영자신문사인 중앙데일리에 지난주 말(4월 18일)에 실린 기사를 아래에 소개한다.
April 18, 2009 | ||||
Baek is neither a doctor, a scholar nor a scientist, but he has made the list for The Great Minds of the 21st Century 2008-2009 published by the American Biographical Institute. The reason for his inclusion is he holds a credential called Program Management Professional issued by the Project Management Institute. PMI, based in the United States, is the world’s largest project management organization. As of April 2009, only 241 people hold the credential in the world and Baek is the first and the only Korean who holds it. Baek was also nominated as one of 2,000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2009-2010, according to International Biographical Centre, a biographical reference directory publisher based in Cambridge, England. The ABI and IBC are two of the most famous biographical dictionaries in the world. As a program manager, Baek deals with large-scale projects in the construction industry, aerospace and military development programs, public works construction projects, shipbuilding, and other areas. He is basically in charge of the whole project. Of the numerous large-scale projects he has handled, Baek said he cannot forget the moment when he earned high praise from Boeing for his involvement in AH-64D Apache helicopter in 2001. Korea was the first country in the world to produce an Apache outside of the Unites States. “A Boeing official said the Apache produced in Korea had a lower defect rate than the latest one produced in the U.S. at that time,” Baek said, adding that very few people are eligible for the PgMP credential. “You should have at least eight years’ experience in project and program management experience,” he said. By Kim Mi-ju [mijukim@joongang.co.kr] |
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